Have I lost my mind? The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Have I lost my mind? The Entrepreneurial Mindset

There are many business scholars that have written tons of books on the mindset of entrepreneurs. Most of it is good stuff and some of it, well just didn’t work for me. There are three things that I absolutely think that an entrepreneur must possess to be successful as a WOMAN. 

  1. BE PASSIONATE – this requires dedication, hard work, focus, and the willingness to start over and fail again and again. It also can be exciting, joyful, and give you a true sense of purpose in your life. If you want to be passionate, you must know what you want and be willing to work hard to go after it, even if it means making a few sacrifices along the way.
  2. SET GOALS AND MEET THEM – this will require you to first have a plan so that you can succeed in furthering your passion. Goals can be small or large. I tend to set small goals that lead to larger goals. This gives me a sense of accomplishment so that I can continue to be motivated along the way. If you write out all your small goals, you will feel more driven to make things happen. 
  3. HAVE A DAILY ROUTINE – if you really want to succeed in your business, you need a routine. Making a daily schedule creates a space where you make the most of your time and abilities. Add to your routine a daily affirmation post to your social media. For an example, “I am a self-starting BOSSCHIC!” You will start to think positive as you are developing strategies each day. Lastly, don’t forget to set aside some time for self-care. Make sure that your free time that is dedicated to relaxing and seeing yourself living the life that you want.