So I started a Business, Now What?

So I started a Business, Now What?

I think back on the journey from when I started my first business in 2000. My main concern was “where was I going to get some money from.” Now back then, the word “crowd funding” was not mainstream like it is today, but that is what I did. I asked family and friends. I quickly learned how to budget, kept my overhead down and was highly creative. I set goals, created a business name, and filed my business legally. I wrote out my business plan, opened a business banking account, set out to find a location and contacted vendors. I was a team of one.

Now the hard part, getting the client. The first thing I learned was that rejection is real, and it does not feel good. I began to attend events in the community. I sponsored little league and did health fairs and festivals. I called all my friends and family and begged them to be my clients, because honestly, I needed the money. After about six months of my family and friends coming to see me, they began to tell others, and then they told others and we took off.

Entrepreneurship is not easy. It is not for the faint at heart. You must be in it to win it. My mantra is to “Fail forward and fail fast.” Lastly, your mindset must stay positive and you must make the choice to not be afraid.