As a leader you are entrusted with a lot of demanding responsibilities. But a successful leader Not only has to deal with responsibilities you, must thrive in the face of challenges. No matter the industry, those who know how to plan, anticipate, delegate, and appreciate finish strong. A football team has 11 players on the field at any given time, a working together is necessary to win. if they play gets broken by a missed tackle or a poor route run, the play stands a good chance of failing. So how do we apply this to business? There are a lot of moving parts spanning across departments and getting people to work together effectively can be challenging. When one person is it doing their job, it can impact an entire company. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2, 11, or 800 people. Remember, it’s OK to be frustrated when plans go wrong. However, you cannot let the frustration dictate how you run the company. A great example of this in football is when a player fumbles the ball. Continuing to dwell on the fact that the player fumbled, doesn’t help the team win. Instead this is a time to be supportive and figure out why the breakdown happened in the first place. In business one must clearly communicate the outcomes and expectations. Consistent, respectful, and transparent communication can go a long way toward elevating the attitude of each employee. It creates a productive team. Always highlight positives and create teachable moments.