Landlords will try to get the most possible amount from their properties. As a renter, it is your job to...

1JulJune 19, 20200
So I started a Business, Now What?
I think back on the journey from when I started my first business in 2000. My main concern was “where...

20JunJune 19, 20200
The Best way to stay in touch with patients during COVID-19
Our patients need us. We should be the lifeline that they deserve during this difficult time. I still see patients...

30MayMay 30, 20200
Tips for building self-esteem
Identify with people, books, videos, television shows, etc. that build your self esteem Build others – Give sincere compliments often...

9DecMay 30, 20201
Business Lessons I learned from watching Football
As a leader you are entrusted with a lot of demanding responsibilities. But a successful leader Not only has to...

9DecMay 30, 20201
Have I lost my mind? The Entrepreneurial Mindset
There are many business scholars that have written tons of books on the mindset of entrepreneurs. Most of it is...

9DecMay 30, 20201
So, you want to own a business…HMMM
As a serial entrepreneur, there are three questions that I always answer before opening a business. Do I have a...